Identification and Quantitation of Furocoumarins in Popularly Consumed Foods in the U.S. Using QuEChERS Extraction Coupled with UPLC-MS/MS Analysis, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

2017. 6. 21

Melissa M Melough, Sang Gil Lee, Eunyoung Cho, Kijoon Kim, Anthony A Provatas, Christopher Perkins, Min Kyung Park, Abrar Qureshi, Ock K Chun

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Furocoumarin Kinetics in Plasma and Urine of Healthy Adults Following Consumption of Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) and Grapefruit Juice, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

2017. 4. 12

Melissa M Melough, Terrence M Vance, Sang Gil Lee, Anthony A Provatas, Christopher Perkins, Abrar Qureshi, Eunyoung Cho, Ock K Chun

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Quercetin, a functional compound of onion peel, remodels white adipocytes to brown-like adipocytes, The Journal of nutritional biochemistry

2017. 4. 1

Sang Gil Lee, John S Parks, Hye Won Kang

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Validation of Analytical Methods for Plasma Total Antioxidant Capacity by Comparing with Urinary 8-Isoprostane Level, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

2017. 2. 12

Ock K. Chun Sang Gil Lee, Taoran Wang, Terrence M Vance, Patrice Hubert, Dae-Ok Kim, Sung I Koo

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Aronia berry polyphenol consumption reduces plasma total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in former smokers without lowering biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative …, Nutrition Research

2017. 1. 1

Liyang Xie, Terrence Vance, Bohkyung Kim, Sang Gil Lee, Christian Caceres, Ying Wang, Patrice A Hubert, Ji-Young Lee, Ock K Chun, Bradley W Bolling

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Rhus verniciflua Stokes Extract and Its Flavonoids Protect PC-12 Cells against H2O2-Induced Cytotoxicity, Journal of microbiology and biotechnology

2017. 10. 12

Tae Gyu Nam, Bong Han Lee, Hyo-Kyoung Choi, Ahmad Rois Mansur, Sang Gil Lee, Dae-Ok Kim

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Stimulatory Effects of Cinnamon Extract (Cinnamomum cassia) during the Initiation Stage of 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Differentiation, Foods

2016. 12. 6

Sang Gil Lee, Joanna A. Siaw, Hye Won Kang

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Development of a comprehensive analytical method for furanocoumarins in grapefruit and their metabolites in plasma and urine using UPLC-MS/MS: a preliminary study, International journal of food sciences and nutrition

2016. 4. 11

Sang Gil Lee, Kijoon Kim, Terrence M Vance, Christopher Perkins, Anthony Provatas, Shaowei Wu, Abrar Qureshi, Eunyoung Cho, Ock K Chun

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Bioavailability of anthocyanins and colonic polyphenol metabolites following consumption of aronia berry extract, Food chemistry

2016. 10. 4

Liyang Xie, Sang Gil Lee, Terrence M Vance, Ying Wang, Bohkyung Kim, Ji-Young Lee, Ock K Chun, Bradley W Bolling

더 보기

Blueberry, blackberry, and blackcurrant differentially affect plasma lipids and pro-inflammatory markers in diet-induced obesity mice, Nutrition research and practice

2016. 1. 10

Bohkyung Kim, Sang Gil Lee, Young-Ki Park, Chai Siah Ku, Tho X Pham, Casey J Wegner, Yue Yang, Sung I Koo, Ock K Chun, Ji-Young Lee

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Evaluation of pH differential and HPLC methods expressed as cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalent for measuring the total anthocyanin contents of berries, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization

2016. 10. 9

Sang Gil Lee, Terrence M. Vance, Tae-Gyu Nam, Dae-Ok Kim, Sung I. Koo, Ock K. Chun

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Anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant extract attenuates ovariectomy-induced bone loss in mice, Journal of medicinal food

2016. 1. 4

Xi Zheng, Sewhan Mun, Sang Gil Lee, Terrence M Vance, Patrice Hubert, Sung I Koo, Sun-Kyeong Lee, Ock K Chun

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Intake of dietary antioxidants is inversely associated with biomarkers of oxidative stress among men with prostate cancer, British Journal of Nutrition

2016. 1. 12

Terrence M Vance, Gissou Azabdaftari, Elena A Pop, Sang Gil Lee, L Joseph Su, Elizabeth TH Fontham, Jeannette T Bensen, Susan E Steck, Lenore Arab, James L Mohler, Ming-Hui Chen, Sung I Koo, Ock K Chun

더 보기

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of various cultivars of kiwi berry (Actinidia arguta) on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

2016. 10. 4

Xiangxue An, Sang Gil Lee, Hee Kang, Ho Jin Heo, Youn-Sup Cho, Dae-Ok Kim

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Contribution of anthocyanin composition to total antioxidant capacity of berries, Plant foods for human nutrition

2015. 10. 12

Sang Gil Lee, Terrence M Vance, Tae-Gyu Nam, Dae-Ok Kim, Sung I Koo, Ock K Chun

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Activated carbon treatment of water extracts of Artemisia princeps Pampanini to retain bioactive phenolic compounds and remove volatiles, Food Science and Biotechnology

2015. 10. 4

Sang Gil Lee, Bong Han Lee, Moo-Yeol Baik, Seung Kook Park, Byung-Yong Kim, Seok-Jun Park, Jin Hee Lee, Chang Y Lee, Dae-Ok Kim

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Relationship Between Oxidative Stress and Bone Mass in Obesity and Effects of Berry Supplementation on Bone Remodeling in Obese Male Mice: An Exploratory Study, Journal of medicinal food

2015. 4. 1

Sang Gil Lee, Bohkyung Kim, Do Yu Soung, Terrence Vance, Jong Suk Lee, Ji-young Lee, Sung I Koo, Dae-Ok Kim, Hicham Drissi, Ock K Chun

더 보기

Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Effects and Health Implications of Berry Polyphenols Evidence from Compositional and Structural Background to Cell, Animal, and Human Studies,Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention

2015. 10. 4

Sang Gil Lee, Terrence M. Vance, Ock K. Chun

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Thioredoxin 1 in Prostate Tissue Is Associated with Gleason Score, Erythrocyte Antioxidant Enzyme Activity, and Dietary Antioxidants,Prostate Cancer

2015. 1. 1

Terrence M Vance, Gissou Azabdaftari, Elena A Pop, Sang Gil Lee, L Joseph Su, Elizabeth TH Fontham, Jeannette T Bensen, Susan E Steck, Lenore Arab, James L Mohler, Ming-Hui Chen, Sung I Koo, Ock K Chun

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Anthocyanin-rich black elderberry extract improves markers of HDL function and reduces aortic cholesterol in hyperlipidemic mice, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,Food & function

2015. 10. 4

Nicholas Farrell, Gregory Norris, Sang Gil Lee, Ock K Chun, Christopher N Blesso

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Impact of Orange Juice Consumption on Bone Health of the U.S. Population in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2006,Journal of medicinal food

2014. 10. 1

Sang Gil Lee, Meng Yang, Ying Wang, Terrence Vance, Beate Lloyd, Sang-Jin Chung, Sung I Koo, Ock K Chun

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Diets high in total antioxidant capacity improve risk biomarkers of cardiovascular disease: a 9-month observational study among overweight/obese postmenopausal women,European journal of nutrition

2014. 10. 9

Ying Wang, Meng Yang, Sang-Gil Lee, Catherine G Davis, Sung I Koo, Maria Luz Fernandez, Jeff S Volek, Ock K Chun

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Validation of an FFQ to assess antioxidant intake in overweight postmenopausal women,Public health nutrition

2014. 7. 12

Meng Yang, Ying Wang, Catherine G Davis, Sang Gil Lee, Maria Luz Fernandez, Sung I Koo, Eunyoung Cho, Ock K Chun

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Additive antioxidant capacity of vitamin C and tocopherols in combination,Food science and biotechnology

2014. 6. 26

Sungbin Im, Tae Gyu Nam, Sang Gil Lee, Young Jun Kim, Ock Kyoung Chun, Dae-Ok Kim

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Berry anthocyanins suppress the expression and secretion of proinflammatory mediators in macrophages by inhibiting nuclear translocation of NF-κB independent of NRF2-mediated …,The Journal of nutritional biochemistry

2014. 1. 4

Sang Gil Lee, Bohkyung Kim, Yue Yang, Tho X Pham, Young-Ki Park, Jose Manatou, Sung I Koo, Ock K Chun, Ji-Young Lee

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